I am the sole owner of a yoga studio: Sanctuary Power Yoga (www.sanctuarypoweryoga.com). I say some owner, but I have alot of support & help from my family & friends & teachers (that's a blog for another day) all of whom are very invested in the studio.
Still, I am the one who makes & adjusts the schedule, writes checks to pay bills, stocks the studio with what it needs, handles questions, emails, etc from students, updates the website...you get the idea.
I send out email blasts with updates on activities & happenings at the studio & more than once I have missed a typo. Most recently, someone pointed out to me that I wrote "CLAEN" I instead of clean. Yes, in capital letters...I'm sure some of you saw it if you read the email.
I try to be professional & I like my work to be professional. I'd like to say I have it all together. But the truth is...I don't. I make mistakes. I miss typos. I forget things.
When someone pointed out the typo in the email that went out to over 1000 people - I laughed. Yeah, it looked really unprofessional, but what can I say? I did my best. And when I saw the typo, I did my best again - I didn't freak out. I kept breathing. I let it go.
And that's my yoga...off my mat.
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